- at part span
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Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
span — span1 [span] n. [ME spanne < OE sponn, akin to Ger spanne < IE * (s)pen(d) , to pull, draw (> SPIN, Gr span, to pull) < base * spe , to pull, extend] 1. a unit of linear measure equal to nine inches, based on the distance between the… … English World dictionary
Span|ish-A|mer|i|can — «SPAN ihsh uh MEHR uh kuhn», adjective. 1. of or having to do with Spain and America, or with Spain and the United States: »Spanish American relations. 2. a) of or having to do with the parts of America where Spanish is the principal language. b) … Useful english dictionary
span — ► NOUN 1) the full extent of something from end to end; the amount of space covered. 2) the length of time for which something lasts. 3) a wingspan. 4) a part of a bridge between piers or supports. 5) the maximum distance between the tips of the… … English terms dictionary
span-new — ˈspan| ̷ ̷, paan adjective Etymology: Middle English, part translation of Old Norse spānnȳr, from spānn chip of wood + nȳr new more at spoon : brand new … Useful english dictionary
Span and div — HTML HTML and HTML5 Dynamic HTML XHTML XHTML Mobile Profile and C HTML Canvas element Character encodings Document Object Model Font family HTML editor HTML element HTML Frames HTML5 video HTML scri … Wikipedia
span — I [[t]spæn[/t]] n. v. spanned, span•ning 1) the full extent, stretch, or reach of something 2) a period of time during which something continues; duration 3) archit. civ a) the distance or space between two supports of a structure, as an arch or… … From formal English to slang
Span. — 1. Spaniard. 2. Spanish. * * * span1 «span», noun, verb, spanned, span|ning. –n. 1. a) the part between two supports: »The bridge crossed the river in three spans. b) … Useful english dictionary
span — span1 [spæn] a past tense of ↑spin span 2 span2 n [: Old English; Origin: spann] 1.) a period of time between two dates or events over/within/in a span of sth ▪ Over a span of ten years, the company has made great progress. ▪ It ll be difficult… … Dictionary of contemporary English
span — 1. n. & v. n. 1 the full extent from end to end in space or time (the span of a bridge; the whole span of history). 2 each arch or part of a bridge between piers or supports. 3 the maximum lateral extent of an aeroplane, its wing, a bird s wing,… … Useful english dictionary
span — 1 a past tense of spin 2 noun (C) 1 the length of time over which someone s attention, life etc continues: A four year old s concentration span is usually about 10 minutes. 2 a period of time between two dates or events: Over a span of ten years … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
span — span1 noun 1》 the full extent of something from end to end; the amount of space covered. ↘a wingspan. ↘a part of a bridge between piers or supports. 2》 the length of time for which something lasts. 3》 (also handspan) the maximum distance… … English new terms dictionary